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Internationals of Leeuwarden

Doing the best they can, hit what they've got

Galati Romania, Student in Leeuwarden, Friesland

“I believe that every human being tends to experience some difficult moments. Even though we are provoking pain it makes us stronger and more positive about our future, ways of thinking, and ways of approaching life.”

Ho Chi Min, Vietnam, Student in Leeuwarden, Friesland

“We had just submitted some assignments and we were all so glad they were over. Someone asked if I wanted to join them and a few others at their place. Usually I would just say no because I’m introverted, but this night I said I’d go. I walked there with a friend and as we were walking I finally got to see the city at night. Vietnam’s architecture is constantly changing, but here it feels almost like time has stopped. At the party we talked and laughed into the early hours of the morning. On the walk back home, we stopped under a street light to have a small conversation. Before we continued to walk we looked up at the stars. There were a lot of them that night. Whenever I look back at that memory, there’s always something warm about that moment. The year leading up to my departure from Vietnam I was in the worst place I’ve ever been mentally. I was incredibly alone and lost, and felt that there just wasn’t a place for me in this world. Then I moved to the Netherlands. I am still trying to figure it out, but things do really get better.”

Harare, Zimbabwe Student Leeuwarden Friesland

“What I am most afraid of right now, like I am sure most students are, is securing an internship and not being able to physically be at the company location. I think it takes away the ‘feel’ experience of the internship process.”

Budapest, Hungary Student Leeuwarden Friesland

“There will always be happy phases. For example, when I was 16 and figuring out my sexuality, (a very desperate time it was) my best friend and I fell in love and during that time I thought I could die from happiness. But there are also bad phases. Like when my parents left me here in the first year. I never felt so empty. I guess, sometimes you think you’ll never be sad again but then shit just hits you. You know you’ll eventually be happier, but you can’t do anything with the shit feelings inside. Although, I think we’re lucky. Nowadays we as people and the media too, have opened up to talk about such things and how mental health is just as important as our physical health. Therefore, it’s not shameful to take some time for yourself or have a therapist and so on. I think I’m a bit too sensitive to be honest, but I also have the feeling that everyone is, some people are just good at hiding it.”

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